happy birthday song lyrics


Learn how this song was written by two sisters in 1893 and became a popular birthday greeting. Find out how the copyright was challenged and invalidated in 2015, and how it affects the royalties and performances of the song.

738M views 8 years ago. This traditional Happy Birthday Song video from infobells is sure to create a lot of excitement in every birthday. Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this ...

Find the lyrics of the traditional Happy Birthday song that is sung by many in the United States and around the world, and learn about its origin and alternative endings. Also, try our free birthday song with your name personalized and fun variations of the melody.

Find the best happy birthday songs for adults from various genres and artists. Watch the videos and sing along with the lyrics of these popular and famous tunes.

Happy Birthday to You - most popular versionTraditional Happy Birthday to You songLyrics:Happy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday, happy birt...

Happy Birthday to You Lyrics. We sing happy birthday to you. And may all your dreams come true. (Happy Happy Birthday) (Ooooah) This is your birthday song. (Ooooah) Celebration all...

Happy Birthday song with sing along lyrics. Is it your birthday today? Say in the comments! Wishing you a very happy birthday and may your dreams all come tr...

Good morning to you. Good morning, dear children. Good morning to all. The sisters published their song in 1893. Then, sometime in the 1900s or 1910s, someone changed the lyrics to make the...

Happy birthday Lyrics: V1 / I hope you never feel the pain I did / I hope you never get that low low low / I hope you don't give up up the way I did / Feeling like there's nowhere left to go ...

Learn the full lyrics of the Happy Birthday song in English, from the first verse to the second verse, and some fun facts about its history and origin. Find out how to sing along to the tune, and discover other songs for birthday parties.

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